Clubs & Discounts
Loyalty Rewarded
in 2025 we have launched our best loyalty rewards yet
When being welcomed to Hairven
If you are not in any of our other clubs you can join our
Angels Rewards loyalty scheme!
Every time you attend a cut & finish, or colour appointment
you will get a stamp
We have different rewards as part of your Hairven hair journey
£5 OFF
£10 OFF
and FREE product worth upto £20
bring your loyalty card with you to GET YOUR STAMPS

Emergency Services
We appreciate the work our front-line workers do to protect and serve our local communities – so what better way to say Thank You than to offer our Police, Fire, Paramedics, Doctors and nurses working on the front line a discount on services at Hairven
You will need to produce a valid ID to claim this discount.
You will also need to PRE-REGISTER your details below and advise at the time of booking that you are a front line worker
Discount is available Monday to Wednesday at both our Gedling and Beeston salons.
Thank you again for your hard work and dedication to our communities. X

Student Club
As our next generation of lawyers, doctors, accountants, engineers, teachers, hospitality managers, hairdressers we are excited to welcome you to Hairven.
Register below to claim your 10% student discount Monday to Thursday
You can also get FREE professional haircare when you recommend your peers.
Corporate Club
Are you a business that has at least 25 employees ?
Do you want to give your employees a corporate discount at Nottingham's No.1 multi national award winning salon?
What a perk!
You can even purchase discounted services in bulk to treat you team
Your employees will really appreciate some "me time" & you get happy staff who feel great.
Just register your business and we will be in touch
VIP Club
We believe in rewarding your loyalty!
So every month we look for our most loyal clients
When you have been a regular at Hairven for 2 years and have always shown up for your appointments
You will be invited into the
Hairven VIP CLUB
We reward your loyalty
Watch our for your email when called