It all started with our angel Wendy
Hairven is the product of a unique and truly heart-felt story…
The catalyst for Hairven’s inception began in 2009 when Wendy, mum-in-law and best friend to salon owner Collette, developed breast cancer. Whilst undergoing chemotherapy it became apparent just how devastating hair loss could be.
It seemed no salon would or could cater for Wendy’s needs and she felt very self-conscious and unconfident stepping into a salon looking the way she did. Together, Collette and Wendy vowed to start a salon so that Wendy could be treated in style following chemotherapy.
Hairdressing was something Collette had always felt secretly passionate about and, coupled with being a successful accountant and project manager thinking of a change, she decided the time was right to do something completely different and so followed her heart.
In 2011 Wendy relapsed and it was clear she would not recover. They talked during those final days in hospital and Wendy made Collette promise to carry on and build the dream.
Sadly, Wendy passed away in December 2011 in the middle of the first salon build. The company name then became obvious and Hairven was conceived - even including a halo in the logo as a final nod to Wendy's memory.
Hairven have given back to our communities in Wendy's memory for over 12 years and we have more planned Here are just a few...

We can never pay back to the NHS which held us up in our hour of need. When Wendy was fighting cancer or NHS was outstanding. The love compassion and care shown by doctors, nurses, and paramedics would leave us indebted forever.
As a family, we really didn't know how to thank these angels so we vowed to make sure we would make it our mission to support our NHS by showing them love and appreciation.

Spread love with our TLC Tuesdays, caring for the ones who care for us
Hairven support childrens wards at QMC for Christmas
We didn't want to forget about the children so donated a large van full of toys and gifts to children's oncology, it was great to put a smile on their faces.
Taking care of our NHS angels hair care needs during covid lockdowns
During covid lockdown we delivered over 5,000 goody bags to NHS workers so they knew how we appreciated all they did for us.
Hairven have sponsored the Nurse & Midwife awards many times..

We have lost count how many events, open nights we have hosted and raised funds for local causes.
Caring for our local residents care homes
During lockdowns we wanted to show our local residents homes that they were not forgotten, owner Collette and her family made up over 3,000 wash kits and delivered them to residents' homes around Nottingham.
In fact in December 2023 Collette donated over 2,000 dvds to the Willowbrook residents home and they made themselves a cinema room, how cute.
Look out for events coming up in 2024 where we will continue to support
Operation Orphan
Local causes
Haywood House Hospice
Local care home residents
Please make sure you JOIN US at our open nights to support such worthwhile causes...